Sunday, December 8, 2013

3C Rules of Personal Development

You know, do stuff. Experiment, hack, write programs, build houses. Creating means going against nature in some way: second law of thermodynamics rules out everything to go into chaos, while creation is about organizing matter or information. Creation is easy and natural behavior of children with their rich imagination, but keeping up with it when you get older requires dedication.

Working on something in isolation can be reasonable, but the potential of collaboration is greater. Discuss your ideas with friends, relatives, and even with random people on the Internet. Visit conferences to hear other peoples ideas, form work groups, and adjust your own goals. A well done argument may multiply each individual intellegence with regards to solving the target problem, when the idea is being ping-ponged between brains, evolving with each hit.

Creation process is an engine, and to keep working it needs to complete cycles. Finishing stuff gives you fuel to move to the next idea, and allows to draw right conclusions by analyzing the full cycle. Publish your work on the web, give other people a functioning product, not just a bunch of scrap and a github repo link. Receive recognition, push your goal bar higher, and move on.